Exclusive Benefits and Features
Rapid Development Efficient Deployment Reliable Reporting

Instructional Integrity

  • Instructional Systems Design-based tools
  • Rapid review and revision of training materials
  • Question-analysis tools
  • Excellent Support

Code-Free Course Development

  • Cloud-based authoring tools
  • Auto-generation of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Automatic navigation, testing, and tracking
  • Flexible presentation templates
  • Interactive templates for immediately testing knowledge
  • Integrated SCORM and AICC standards for importing or exporting courses

Quickly Assemble Media Assets

  • Image Files - JPEG, GIF, PNG, SVG
  • Documents - Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat
  • Internal Video - Quicktime, Windows Media, MP4/M4V, HTML5 Video Playback
  • Add Tracking to Embedded Videos - YouTube, Vimeo, Academic Earth, plus more

Integrated Testing

  • Bulk test importer
  • Graded mastery tests
  • Organization by instructional objective
  • Instant grading
  • Optional feedback with test review

Timesaving Administration Tools

  • One-click bulk student importer
  • Self-registration options
  • Company, group, and individual course assignments
  • Advanced curriculum and assignment tools
  • 100% web-based
  • Email notifications, reminders, and individual progress to students

Flexible Course Delivery

  • 24/7 availability
  • Universal browser support
  • 100% web-based
  • Plug-in free
  • Mobile support for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry
  • Export courses to Blackboard®, SuccessFactors®, SumTotal®, Cornerstone®, or Saba®

Personalization and Branding

  • Custom URL for your students
  • Branded front door to match corporate look and feel
  • Custom course skins
  • Custom Web Services for workflow integration
  • Disable unused modules for a cleaner experience
  • Integrate with popular e-commerce engines, such as PayPal® and Authorize.net®

Powerful Classroom Management Tools

  • Individual and group class assignments
  • Dynamic topic-based calendaring
  • Class self-registration
  • Auto-generated class rosters
  • Easy to use online gradebook
  • Online classroom quizzes

Useful and Cogent Reports

  • Executive-level reporting and metrics
  • Real-time reporting
  • Detailed completion reporting
  • Filter by group, student, course, curriculum, enrollment date, or completion date
  • Track credits including number, type, and year

Question Analysis Tools

  • Check the validity and reliability of your tests
  • Analyze individual questions and objectives
  • Improve both test questions and training materials
  • Compare knowledge of user populations
  • One-on-one review and remediation

Easy Report Exporting

  • One-click to view, print, or export
  • Export to Excel or PDF formats
  • Export course and class completion, advanced reports, or complete student information
  • No lock-in; your data all is exportable by you
"TestTrack is a number-one value proposition factoring in ease-of-use, speed of development time, quality of the end product, and cost."
- Ed Diaz, Course Developer at Training House, Inc.